Their IR spectrum displays only C-C and C-H bond vibrations. Which of the following structures is consistent with the IR spectra shown below. Organic Nitrogen Compounds Iv Nitriles IR Peak cm -1 AssignmentComments 3394 O-H Stretching 3047 Aromatic C-H Stretching sp 2 2943 Aliphatic C-H Stretching sp 3 1196 C-O Stretching 1477 Aromatic ring CC Stretching ring breathing 756 Out-of-plane. . National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology OH OH OH NH2 HO 11 III IV OT O II O III OIV OV. A compound C 5 H 8 O shows IR absorptions at 3600 and 3300 cm-1. How could IR spectroscopy be used to distinguish between the following pair of compounds. Its 1 H NMR spectrum contained singlets at ฮด 15 22 and 29 broad ppm in a ratio of 611. Which of the following structures is consistent with the IR spectra shown below. In the following IR practice problems we will identify the compound consistent with the IR absorption peaks f...